9th Angkor Photo Workshops: Applications Now Open

The 9th Angkor Photo Workshops is now officially accepting applications!
The 9th edition of the workshops will be held from 23- 30 November, 2013. Created in 2005, the Angkor Photo Workshops is offered FREE to selected young talents from Asia. The week-long professional workshop provides participants with firsthand training, a chance to develop their personal photographic style and vision, and invaluable exposure. Over the years, the workshop has highlighted emerging talent from the region, and many previous participants are now pursuing successful photography careers.
To find out how to apply, see our “HOW TO APPLY” page for a permanent post with details about the applications.
All applicants will receive a reply by the end of August. Watch this space for more news and updates, or better yet – join us on our Facebook Page to keep yourself in the loop!